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Christmas Trees

Cheap ways to fix your Pre-lit Christmas trees during the holiday

The holidays are a wonderful time of the year, but it can also be stressful. Between hosting parties, traveling and trying to find time for everyone, it’s not uncommon for things to get a little out of hand.

Don’t Let a Few Burnt Out Bulbs Ruin Your Holiday

One thing that shouldn’t be overlooked is your Christmas tree. You probably spent months preparing for the holidays and making sure everything is perfect for your guests. Unfortunately, accidents happen and sometimes we forget about simple ways to fix our pre-lit Christmas trees during the break.

 Here are some tips on how to fix damages in pre-lit Christmas trees:

  • Remove all ornaments first: If you notice that there are missing bulbs or broken strands, removing them will make it easier for you to repair your tree later on. This is also important if you want to save some of the lights and decorations so that they can be used again next year.
  • Repairing damaged branches: Sometimes just replacing one branch can make a big difference when it comes to aesthetics. If this is what you want, then simply unscrew the light strand from the damaged branch and remove any ornaments attached to it as well. Next, remove any remaining lights from the damaged branch.
  • Frayed lights: If there are any frayed wires on your tree, use scissors or wire cutters to remove them before they cause more damage. Then wrap electrical tape around each section of frayed wire until it’s no longer visible. This method also works for tangled strands of lights as well as broken strands of lights.
  • Use wire cutters: If there’s just one wire that’s crossed over another one, take your wire cutters and snip off the end that’s sticking out too far. This will allow you to start from scratch and not have any crossed wires at all!
  • Straighten out tangled lights: If there are a lot of tangled lights, try loosening up each strand by hand first before cutting through them with your wire cutters. This will also help if there are any crossed wires.
  • Re-string lights: If your lights are tangled up, it might be time to re-string your Christmas tree. Make sure that the wires are not touching each other and try to untangle them. If you can’t do this, cut those strings off, but don’t throw them away yet! You can use them later on if they still work, or you can use them as spare parts in case one of the other strings breaks down.
  • Replace a broken bulb: If one of the bulbs has stopped working or has broken, remove it from its socket and replace it with a new one. However, make sure that you put it back in the same place as originally so that the connections will not be interrupted next year! If you’re using LED lights, make sure that they’re facing downwards so that water doesn’t get inside of them when watering your tree!
  •  Fixing a detached wire from its socket: If one of the wires has broken off from its socket (or if there isn’t enough room for all of them), just cut off the end of